Can I afford it?

There are different sources of funding and financial support available for jobs in the healthcare and nursing sector to facilitate transition or entry into this field and make it affordable.

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You want to know which type of financial support for the nursing sector matches your needs? You are not sure who to contact? Don’t worry, we will help you! Go here to find out where to get advice:

Available options of financial support for education and training in nursing and care:

Jobs PLUS Training

The “Jobs PLUS Ausbildung” programme provides free training in the nursing and social care sectors, financial support and direct entry to a career and a guaranteed job after completion of the programme.

This means:

  • free occupational training
  • financial support throughout the entire training period
  • insurance for the length of the training period
  • guaranteed job after successful completion of the training programme

After having completed the training, participants can start work immediately. More information about the “Jobs PLUS Ausbildung” programme is available here on the website of waff (the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund).

“Wiener Pflegeausbildungsprämie” (Vienna Nursing Training Bonus)

With its nursing training bonus, the City of Vienna supports people who are interested in jobs in the fields of nursing and social care.

The bonus usually amounts to € 600 per month for the length of the relevant training programme. Trainees completing a part-time programme can receive the bonus on a prorated basis. Payments are made in arrears in the middle of the month.

People who already receive livelihood security benefits under the Austrian Unemployment Insurance Act or the Public Employment Service Act are not eligible for the bonus.

Eligibility criteria and the online application are available here on the website of waff (the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund).
