Graduate healthcare and nursing professionals

In performing their daily duties, graduate healthcare and nursing professionals work closely with doctors and other care and health professionals. They provide high-quality care and treatment to patients of all age groups and with different diseases. Multiple career opportunities are available across a wide range of different settings, such as hospitals, residential care and nursing facilities, hospices and assisted group homes. The bachelor’s degree also entitles you to write expert opinion reports or work in quality management.

After completing their studies, graduate healthcare and nursing professionals can specialise in one of the following fields:

  • Nursing care for children and young people
  • Mental health nursing
  • Intensive care nursing
  • Intensive care nursing for children
  • Anaesthetic nursing
  • Nursing for renal replacement therapy
  • Surgical nursing
  • Hospital hygiene
  • Wound management and stoma care
  • Hospice and palliative care
  • Psychogeriatric nursing

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Nursing staff put patients under pressure? Only when using compression stockings to prevent thrombosis.

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